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And Action 🎥 was also the name of the game for us in November 2022. Quick the concept, quick the shoot, quick the voiceovers and READY.

That’s how it’s often imagined if you’re not a specialist or a marketing department that plans a video campaign every week. In reality, however, there is more to it than that.

We quickly found a great agency that introduced us to video marketing and gave us helpful tips and tricks. What did we particularly like here? Honest words! Because what is often not considered: with a “simple” film it is often not done. The effect fizzles out if you just throw a separate film onto the social media platforms without a concrete concept in the background. This then appears incoherent, no one really knows what the idea behind it is. You could actually invest your money differently.

So there was a concrete concept from Filmovo and here we are now and are happy to share our first Image Film with you.

We think the image film is really worth seeing. What do you think?

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