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DC-Voltage Surge Arresters

Product details

With our revised DC surge arrester series we can now offer you products which are type-tested according to the current standards IEC 62484-1, IEC 61373 and EN 45545-2. With this renewal we can divide our arresters into the classes DC-B and DC-C.

Product details


Protection of DC power systems and rectifier stations against atmospheric and
switching overvoltages. The arresters are especially for vertical installation in rail vehicles, trolleybuses and overhead lines. They can be used both outdoors and indoors. possible.

Globalization is made possible by mobility. Surge protection is therefore important not only for substations and transmission lines but also for overhead contact line systems and traction vehicles. The demand for reliable protection in railroad applications is a challenge that our modern surge arresters can meet.

Our reliable DC porcelain series guarantees the combination of proven technology with the latest standards to meet your requirements. With our proven design, the arresters are optimally equipped for extreme environmental conditions.


Innovative Design

With this product, we demonstrate our awareness of various market requirements in terms of test standards and flexibility for specific customer needs.

The arresters are state-of-the-art with their filament cage technology. The semi-automatic process increases product quality and the new lightweight structure allows us to combine light weight with high mechanical strength.

The injection molding process uses HTV silicone rubber, which is characterized by its excellent hydrophobic properties. This technology provides perfect adhesion, thus preventing moisture penetration and increasing reliability. With the modular design we allow maximum flexibility to cover almost any application in DC networks.


Innovative Design

With this product, we demonstrate our awareness of various market requirements in terms of test standards and flexibility for specific customer needs.

The arresters are state-of-the-art with their filament cage technology. The semi-automatic process increases product quality and the new lightweight structure allows us to combine light weight with high mechanical strength.

The injection molding process uses HTV silicone rubber, which is characterized by its excellent hydrophobic properties. This technology provides perfect adhesion, thus preventing moisture penetration and increasing reliability. With the modular design we allow maximum flexibility to cover almost any application in DC networks.

DSC01778 (1)

Technical Data

When it comes to detail…

Continuous d.c. operating

voltage Uc:

1 to 4,5 kV
Arrester class (acc. IEC 62848): DC – B  
Nominal discharge current: 10 kA
Pressure relief capacity (0,2 s): 40 kA
High current impulse (4/10): 100 kA
Specific energy withstand acc. to IEC 60099-4: 12 kJ/kVUr
Charge transfer capability: 2,5 As
Specified short-term load (SSL): 2.000 Nm
Specified long-term load (SLL): 800 Nm
Continuous d.c. operating

voltage Uc:

1 to 4,5 kV
Arrester class (acc. IEC 62848): DC-B  
Nominal discharge current: 10 kA
Pressure relief capacity (0,2 s): 40 kA
High current impulse (4/10): 100 kA
Specific energy withstand acc.

to IEC 60099-4:

12 kJ/kVUr
Charge transfer capability: 2,5 As
Specified short-term load (SSL): 1.100 Nm
Specified long-term load (SSL): 450 Nm
Continuous d.c. operating

voltage Uc:

1 to 4,5 kV
Arrester class (acc. IEC 62848): DC-C  
Nominal discharge current: 20 kA
Rated short circuit current: 40 kA
High current impulse (4/10): 200 kA
Specific energy withstand acc.

to IEC 60099-4:

28 kJ/kVUr
Charge transfer capability: 7,5 As
Specified short-term load (SSL): 3.000 Nm
Specified long-term load (SSL): 1.500 Nm
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