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Middle East Electricity 2023

The new exhibition year starts for us in March. Every year we are guests and exhibitors at the Middle East Energy in Dubai. There are always many things to consider in advance. Starting with the booth registration over the product sample selection up to the hotel and flight booking. Such a trade fair appearance costs a lot of time, energy and of course money.

Nevertheless, we are happy to invest this every year in our presence at this exhibition to show you how our products could save you a lot of time, energy 𝗔𝗡𝗗 money. This year’s motto is: “Guiding the region through the energy transition.” Sensible energy management is therefore a much more comprehensive task, which not only Germany is facing. With our surge arresters, we would like to make our contribution to securing the worldwide transmission of energy.

By using our surge arresters, you can avoid expensive failures at switching stations and power lines and thus contribute to the stability of the energy grid. We would be pleased to show you our products again this year. We look forward to welcoming you at our booth H3.B50.


Tridelta Meidensha – we protect you!

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