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LEAN-Tour #1

💡Lean management is a topic that moves us very much and we notice that more and more companies in our immediate environment are turning to this topic.


We were already allowed to visit and learn from some pioneers of this management system. And we are pleased when we too can pass on our knowledge. When it comes to knowledge transfer, personal contact is still the most important thing. That’s why we have decided to start offering guided tours of our plant 💪. Doors and gates are open for those who are interested and we are pleased that we were able to welcome the first interested people already today.


A delegation of the company CERA SYSTEM Verschleißschutz GmbH from Hermsdorf was our guest. We showed them how we got around the first obstacles, what we have done in the meantime and where we still want to go. With these tours we would like to show that it is worthwhile to go the way and to stick to it, even if it sometimes needs time and perseverance. We don’t want to set up any dogmas here or impose our path on other companies, because that’s not possible at all. Every company is different, has different structures and needs. We would like to act as an impulse giver, as a permanent contact person in our ever growing LEANiverse.


We would be happy to accompany you on your way. Would you also like to visit us? Then please feel free to contact us.

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