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Attention – E-Mail fraudster

Unfortunately Tridelta Meidensha has been a victim of cyberattacks many times and so far we have fended off everything in this regard. However, these attacks are becoming more and more professional and are increasingly difficult to recognize as fraud. We have been working continuously to find out who the masterminds behind these attacks are. In addition to reporting them to the police, our IT department has also reported the suspicious domain to the German domain registry.


Unfortunately, the domain is still not blocked. We are still looking to prevent future problems in this regard. Therefore, we would like to urge you once again to do the following: Please check the sender of the emails, especially if you find them suspicious. In the current case, emails are being sent from the domain If you write this in lowercase, the “r n” can easily be confused with the “m“.


If an email that appears to have been sent by us seems suspicious to you and you are unable to verify its authenticity, please contact us in another way to ensure the authenticity of the email.

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